Thanks Brownfields Crew: 67 Years Of Greatness

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There is no denying, Estes Park is a tightly-knit community. Whether you make the area your home, are vacationing here, or simply passing through, Estes Park, Colorado is one of a kind.

One example of the type of community that makes up Estes Park happened just recently. Brownfields – Souvenirs & Outdoor Gear has a tradition of selling out its merchandise as the tourist season comes to an end. There is an important reason for this, by emptying out the store, they are sure to stock the latest and greatest merchandise when spring rolls around.

This year, this event took on special meaning. The Brownfield crew will spend the off-season undertaking an amazing renovation project. What did they do after their busy end-of-season sale? They made a visit to The Taffy Shop of course!

We are always happy to see this crew roll in for some of our special treats. Throughout the tourist season, we welcome many visitors to our shop who have visited Brownfields. The store is practically an institution. We joke that we hope they see as many of our special blue bags in their shop as we see of their Brownfields bags.

Our friendship with the Brownsfield crew has grown over the years and we are always so happy to see them. Of course, we certainly didn’t expect to see them poke their heads in throughout one of our busiest days this season, but we sure are glad they did. With only one person working the counter, we weren’t sure if we would be able to keep the doors open while we restocked.

Of course, small, locally owned businesses count on these busy days to tide us over through the quieter months. Closing for even a few hours is not a decision we make lightly. In business since 1935, we know that hard work and reliability are what it takes to keep a shop like ours open. New employees were quickly trained and eagerly jumped in to help out. Even with the amazing crew at The Taffy Shop, outside help was needed.

Again, the Brownfield crew stepped up. With their store now closed for the season, they had every reason to take a quick break before the start of their renovation began. Don and Jamie know how hard this work is and quickly stepped in to help ring up sales. It would not have been possible to make it through the day without their help.

The off-season can be quiet around here, but it is the memory of these special neighbors that keep us going and eager for spring to arrive. The amazing community that we are so proud to be a part of helped us end the busy season on a high note. So, from the bottom of our hearts, we thank the Brownfield crew!